What Happens When Design Students Innovate for Intelligence Analysis Intelligence analysts must make sense of never-ending waves of information that crash over them from every direction. Understanding how best to navigate such a vast, ever-changing ocean of data with depths often unknown is a daily problem for analysts.  Moreover, each analyst may have a different focus, different needs, and different goals. What if an analyst could have access to an easily-digestible report that presents a tailored summary of relevant information from many sources all in one place? Download

Machine Learning Interpretability to Aid Structured Analytic Tradecraft This research effort focused on introducing machine learning interpretability techniques to aid structured analytic tradecraft. Analysts are hesitant to use complex mathematical models in their analysis due to difficulty in interpreting and communicating the results. A hands-on workshop was conducted introducing various model interpretability techniques to understand (1) how analysts might employ model interpretability methods and (2) increase confidence in communicating complex modeling results. (SAS 2019) Download

Theoretical Framework for Developing Analytical Rigor Profiles Analytic Rigor and Performance (ARP) projects focused on improving intelligence analysis and analytic outcomes by helping analysts balance the need for analytic rigor with real world constraints like timeliness and resources in targeting factors to enhance analytic performance. (Johnston Analytics 2021) Download

Procedural Knowledge Search by Intelligence Analysts Types of questions analysts are asking tools and what they are looking for in a tool containing tradecraft information and challenges, basic layout of a result page, how analysts use results in workflow. Insight for developers as well as information about analysts. (Choi, Casteel, Arguello & Capra, UNC-CH 2022) Download

Analyst Workflow
Workflow-Based Collaborative Reporting Investigation (NCSU College of Design 2018)
A Slice of What analysts can do and How machine learning can help (LAS 2020)
Enhancing Information discovery workflows via human-machine collaborative interventions (LAS 2018)
The significant seven: An Intelligence analyst work activities assessment (LAS 2021)
Introducing the fundamental five of intelligence analyst performance (NCSU 2020)
A never ending story in the time of coronavirus (LAS 2020)