IA  Intelligence Analyst(IA)

midcareer Role(s)

Intelligence Analyst > Target Analyst Reporter (TAR)

A Day in the Life Of An Analyst Reporter (when working on a familiar topic)

  • Data Collection and Triage: Chloe monitors and collects intelligence on Violent Extremist Organizations (VEOs), maintaining situational awareness through various reports. She trains her emails to identify urgent tasks, terrorism-related activities, and valuable customer feedback.
  • Analysis and Reporting: Chloe dives deep into the intelligence data, analyzing VEO activities and uncovering emerging storylines. She ensures customers receive relevant information and satisfies their needs with accurate and timely reporting.
  • Collaboration and Review: Chloe works with her colleagues on intelligence projects, sharing insights, reviewing their work in progress, and contributing to team discussions to enhance everyone's understanding.
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement: Chloe keeps up with evolving threats and VEO activities by participating in training and development programs, and constantly adapts to new tools and techniques to improve her intelligence analysis skills.
  • midcareer

    Challenges & Barriers

    Data Overload

    Abundance of intelligence data from various sources, and difficulty in deciding which dots to connect and making inferences about their meaning.

    Information Filtering

    Sifting through information produced by intelligence community as well as open source information to find relevant information amidst vast amounts of data.

    Knowledge Gaps

    Limited knowledge about the overall scope and coordination of planned terrorist attacks.

    Design Artifacts

    Graphic Design graduate students from NC State University College of Design created these artifacts as part of their 2022 Design Studio deliverables.


    Analyst Journey


    Analyst Pain Points


    Atlas (high-fidelity UI/UX prototype created based on Chloe's daily tasks)

    Graphic Design graduate students from NC State University College of Design created this prototype as part of their 2022 Design Studio deliverables.