IA  Intelligence Analyst(IA)

midcareer Role(s)

Intelligence Analyst > Search and Discovery Analyst (SDA)

A Day in the Life of a Search and Discovery Analyst (when working on a crisis situation)

  • Surge Team Participation: Nyah is a senior SDA on a Surge Team, working on crisis situations where priorities change very quickly. She stays updated with the latest analytic techniques and collaborates with the Agency's extended enterprise.
  • Situational Awareness: During a surge, Nyah maintains situational awareness by understanding ongoing events, customer needs, intelligence gaps, required resources, and analyst responsibilities while producing reports and managing customer feedback.
  • Search and Discovery: Nyah employs various search tools and datasets to answer customer questions. She analyzes questions, identifies intelligence gaps, selects appropriate search tools, and iteratively crafts queries to find answers or relevant information.
  • Data Analysis: Nyah examines query results, finding key elements, identifying trends, anomalies, baselines, and connections to the bigger picture. This helps her understand unfamiliar data and better serve customers' needs.
  • Reporting and Dissemination: When encountering unfamiliar data, Nyah looks it up in past reports or technical reference databases. She then bundles the information in a digital workflow tool and sends it for translation, reporting, and dissemination to customers.
  • midcareer

    Challenges & Barriers

    Agile Resilience

    Navigating the chaotic early stages of a surge while managing situational awareness, customer needs, intelligence gaps, resources, and rapidly changing information and priorities.

    Inefficient Tool Selection

    Tackling the time-consuming, iterative process of using multiple search tools and queries to gather necessary information.

    Data Unfamiliarity

    Spending additional time contextualizing unfamiliar data or concepts.


    Difficulties in communication and coordination among various stakeholders across the Agency's extended enterprise.

    Design Artifacts

    Graphic Design graduate students from NC State University College of Design created these artifacts as part of their 2023 Design Studio deliverables.


    Analyst Journey


    Analyst Pain Points


    SAI (a high-fidelity UI/UX prototype created based on Nyah’s daily tasks)

    Graphic Design graduate students from NC State University College of Design created this prototype as part of their 2022 Design Studio deliverables.