IA  Language Analyst(LA)

midcareer Role(s)

Language Analyst

A Day in the Life of a Language Analyst (when working on an unfamiliar topic)

  • Task Assignment and Challenges: Ron assists an office analyzing Kobian* leadership decisions, facing unfamiliarity with the subject and overwhelming data.
  • Data Triage and Prioritization: Ron sorts data chronologically, seeking information on Kobian diplomacy towards a specific foreign nation post Kobian President's visit to the nation.
  • Identifying and Marking Valuable Information: Ron marks valuable intelligence for translation or summarization and groups related data for other analysts.
  • Collaboration and Mentorship: Ron consults senior analysts and experts for guidance, ensuring accurate translations and context understanding.
  • Time Management and Continued Learning: Despite time constraints, Ron aims to stay informed, connect with analysts, and manage his daily workflow.
  • *The official language of Kobia (a fictitious foreign nation), also referring to the people and culture of the nation.

    Challenges & Barriers

    Subject Matter Unfamiliarity

    Lacking expertise in specific topics causes difficulty in identifying valuable information and interpreting context.

    Data Overload

    Potential missed intelligence opportunities due to overwhelming foreign language communications volume.

    Workflow Disruptions

    Seeking guidance from senior colleagues and experts slows down the triage process and disrupts the workflow.

    Time Management

    Balancing the need to stay informed and network with other analysts, while facing limited time due to data volume and daily tasks, hindering comprehensive understanding.

    Design Artifacts

    Graphic Design graduate students from NC State University College of Design created these artifacts as part of their 2023 Design Studio deliverables.


    Analyst Journey


    Analyst Pain Points


    T-HEX (a high-fidelity UI/UX prototype created based on Ron’s daily tasks)

    Graphic Design graduate students from NC State University College of Design created this prototype as part of their 2022 Design Studio deliverables.