IA  Network Analyst(LA)

midcareer Role(s)

Network Analyst

midcareer Level of Expertise


A Day in the Life of a Network Analyst

  • Volume Management: The volume of information Susie takes in from tool queriers must be manages in an effective way. Susie spends time to discover way to sift and distill this volume.
  • Technology Advancement: Susie spend time throughout the day getting to know the new technologies in her industry and how to use them. This helps her stay at an advanced level and get an upper edge on competition.
  • Global Barriers: To overcome some of the global barriers Susie faces she spends time getting to know different perspectives of problems around the world.
  • Global Communication: A key factor as to why Susie strives in her line of work is the ability to create global connections and confer daily with these resources.
  • Customer Interaction: Susie strives to give the customer a good experience and makes sure their needs are met. On her projects she often works directly with the customers to better understand their requirements.
  • midcareer

    Challenges & Barriers

    Machine Translations

    Seeking enhanced accuracy in machine-generated translations.


    Desiring a comprehensive list of resources and tools to save time in discovering them individually.

    Analytical Techniques

    Difficulties in implementing effective analysis methods and problem-solving strategies.

    Information Locating

    Struggling with locating report elements and needing to use various search terms and consult subject matter experts.

    DataTrace (a high-fidelity UI/UX prototype created based on Susie)

    Graphic Design graduate students from NC State University College of Design created this prototype as part of their 2024 Design Studio deliverables.