IA  Cyber/Computer Network Analyst (CNA)

midcareer Role(s)

Rotational Military Analyst

A Day in the Life of a Network Analyst

  • Data Analysis: Evan is trained to analyze data quickly and effectively. He spends time shadowing those above him to learn how someone in the field does this.
  • Military Research: The military research Evan does will help the military for their needs of research and development into data analysis.
  • Zendia Team: Evan was put on the Zendia team to learn what they do and why they are doing it. He spends time working with team members to aid in their work and shadow their projects.
  • Data Cleaning: A great use of his time is to clear irrelevant data from the system. This helps experts have to look through less documents. Evan saves the whole team time because of this.
  • Intern Learning: Evan spends some of his day working with his mentors about skills he can be taught. This helps his confidence when working along with adding skills to his resume.
  • midcareer

    Challenges & Barriers

    Data Unfamiliarity

    Spending additional time contextualizing unfamiliar data or concepts.


    Desiring a comprehensive list of resources and tools to save time in discovering them individually.

    Analytical Techniques

    Difficulties in implementing effective analysis methods and problem-solving strategies.

    Information Locating

    Struggling with locating report elements and needing to use various search terms and consult subject matter experts.